Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our Family Holiday Weaknesses

Tim's weakness is Egg Nog. He can't wait until Halloween when the first batches of egg nog are available in the stores. His favorite brand is Oak Hills. He is a little egg nog fiend! I don't worry about the calories for him. He needs to gain weight. But since he is the only one who drinks it, we don't often finish a quart before it goes bad.
Holly's weakness is silly socks, but it isn't limited to the holidays. Everyday she wears two different types of socks. She has the strangest combinations of socks. And she wears them out in public.
Kelsey's weakness is hard to figure out. I think it is all the holiday candies, but I am not sure. She loves anything with sugar.
Gerry's weaknesses is Starbucks. Luckily, he gets gift cards from people to supply his addiction to fine coffee.
My addiction is doing too much. I always think that I can get everthing accomplished on time, but I never do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am with Gerald, I really do not think that there is ever the possiblity of too much Starbucks. Love you All!!!