Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today is MRI day

In about an hour, I will be waiting for my MRI. I am not excited about this; I have a lot of apprehension about the test. I have taken all my jewelry off except for my wedding ring. I am going to have some bagel bites for lunch and then go to my appointment.

Our new neighbors are moving in. They drive a very interesting car. It is not one that we see in our neighborhood. We tend to go towards mini vans and SUVs. I am a bit worried. I am sure first impressions are not always the best.

I am supposed to get some scrapbooking stuff in the mail today. I can't wait until I get to play with them.

I am excited about the holiday. We have the turkey sitting in the sink and thawing. We are going to have turkey, dressing, corn casserole, green bean casserole and cranberry sauce. We are going to make pecan bars and cookies. We also have pumpkin pie and whipped cream.

For Christmas, I am getting the kids gift cards since we are traveling this season.


BevS97 said...

you are worried because of the car they drive??? What sort of car is it that would make you worry?

Anonymous said...

Hope things went well with the MRI!