Thursday, December 30, 2010

Left Cali

We've been in California for Christmas. It has been great seeing all our extended family. We are all getting older.
We left Tuesday evening because there was a snow front going through out route home. We kept driving until we were too tired to drive anymore. Unfortunately, the front passed us and we had to drive through the snow storm. Once we got to El Paso, we drove through a dust storm. We had tumble weeds rolling across I-10 and hitting us. Also got hit by a dead bird who hit one of the big rigs in front of us. Tried to walk the dog but she wanted no part of the wind.
Daisy dog did have a great time visiting the family. My sil has two rescued dachshunds, one who is also named Daisy. The two daisies became great friends. They loved to play chase. My Daisy is about twice the size of the other Daisy.
The drive home was really horrible because of the weather. I think it rained more than 50% of our time in Cali. Robby had a great time with his cousins. The girls enjoyed him. Actually, Maddie & Cami enjoyed him. Brie ignored him for the most part. She did teach him to cruise the furniture and while he isn't as stable as she is, he keeps on trying. He turned nine months on Christmas Day.
Your Life Spelled Out starts again on January 1st. There is a facebook and blogger page for the journal prompts. It is an awesome resource for journalling. I also joined Ali Edwards' course on Big Picture Classes 'One Little Word.' I think my word will be wisdom. I need to gain wisdom to help understand my adult children. Their choices confuse me at times but I need to gain the wisdom to let go. They are adults and I have to let go more. I have always over mothered everyone as it is.
My spring conference for Grace is coming together. I have four months to go and I have 2 speakers confirmed. Need at least one to two more professional women. Ideally, they will have gone to Jay. I will probably lead the dream boards section. The girls really enjoy the dream boards.
I hope that I can unkink my back after the long car trip. My back is really hurting from the ride. I am going to try a new doctor for my back this spring. I am looking into decompression of my disks. I have an extreme fear of surgery, so I am hoping that this will be a good alternative. It was recommended by a friend who got great results from it.
I forgot to take my contacts out before they dried out and thought for awhile I wasn't going to be able to get them out. Wearing my glasses for the last part of the trip. I wanted to try the dailies but they only go up to -7. My prescription is a -9. My vision is so bad that they don't have a laser big enough for me. I have to get the surgery that implants a lens into the eye. It costs about $7,000 an eye, so I will remain blind as a bat for awhile.

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