Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Testing week & Fiesta

Looking forward to the end of state testing week. I'm so incredibly bored. We have to "actively monitor" the students while they are taking the test. So we walk around the classroom and stare at the kids. For hours. And hours.
This is also Fiesta week & we have a school holiday on Friday for Battle of Flowers Day. Yep, we have a day off for a parade day. Only in San Antonio!
My school club,GRACE, is having our annual conference next Friday. We have a lady from the Hedi Search Center who will talk to the girls about online safety. I think it is a great subject. I worry so much about the kids on line. This world has become so unsafe for young women.
We are going to use my Groupon for Picture People & have Robby's picture taken on Friday. It should be lots on fun for him. We have never done professional photos before for him. Not sure how he will do.
Summer temperatures are here. Today it was 96. I need to pull out my sunscreen for my car to keep the car cooler. I was seriously uncomfortable on my ride home!!

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